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Image by Mohamed Nohassi


"There's nothing left! My Soul is empty! I don't know who I am!" 
  -  Amber Mac

Amber looking at camera smiling

Hello & Welcome! 

My Journey to Soulful Connection

Hi, I'm Amber Mack Certified Soul Realignment® practitioner, Seichim energy healer and creator of the Soulful Connection Method. It's time to find your true purpose and bring joy and peace into your daily life. MY STORY I'll never forget the day that marked the turning point in my life as a woman and a spiritual being. I was lost in early motherhood, feeling like a shadow of my former self. I had spent years building a career, a social life, an identity—only to feel it shatter with the birth of my beautiful daughter. I adored her. But something was missing—me. My soul felt empty. Each day was a repetition of the last: feeding, changing nappies, rocking her to sleep, all while my inner voice screamed in silence. Until I reached breaking point. I found myself alone in my bedroom, my face buried in a pillow, screaming, 'There's nothing left! My soul is empty! I don't know who I am anymore!' It was a gut-wrenching moment, but also a moment of clarity. Who was I without my corporate career? My husband, and most importantly, who was I besides "a mother"? That was when my journey to self-discovery truly began. I started diving into spiritual practices, learning about Akashic Records and Soul Realignment®, Seichim energy healing... the spirituality I had hidden for decades. Slowly but surely, pieces started falling back into place. I discovered the forgotten, hidden and ignored parts of my soul that were desperate to be acknowledged and healed. It's been a life-changing journey, one that I've committed myself to sharing with other ambitous women, who feel that haunting emptiness, that disconnection from their true selves. Together, let's discover the divine purpose that awaits you.

The Soulful Connection Method

Live your Soul's divine purpose

Imagine a space where you can rekindle the connection with your deepest self while embracing the complexities and joys of our modern lives. Welcome to the Soulful Connection Method—our transformative approach that helps women like you reclaim their sense of self, joy, and abundance.



The Soulful Connection Method is not just another spiritual tool; it's a living, breathing roadmap designed for ambitious women. It guides you in discovering who you are at soul-level, allowing you to create a life bursting with joy, meaningful connections, and abundant living.

If you've ever felt like a mere shell of your former self, disconnected and unfulfilled, this Method is the key to reignite the vibrant woman inside you. It helped me rediscover who I was, and it's here to do the same for you.


Empowerment through Choice: Reclaim your power by making conscious choices that reflect your true self.


Creating a Nurturing Environment: Experience the peace and positivity of a space designed for your soul's exploration and growth.


Balance and Wholeness: Harmonize the roles of being a mother, a woman, and your authentic self without compromise.


Action for Transformation: Your soul's secrets aren't just to be discovered, but acted upon, turning wisdom into life-changing decisions.


Embracing the Connectedness: Honour your intricate connection to the universe, elevating your spiritual journey through guided wisdom.


Ready to journey into the heart of your soul? The Soulful Connection Method awaits you, lighting the way towards your truest, most joyous life.

Soul Realignment®

Practitioner Training: Live your Soul's divine purpose

Created by Andrrea Hess in 2007, Soul Realignment® is an intuitive healing modality using the Akashic Records to unlock our Soul-level potential and clear negative karmic patterns held at Soul-level.


What makes Soul Realignment® different?


It’s not just about gathering spiritual information or knowledge or understanding.  Soul Realignment® is about truly LIVING our Soul’s identity in very real, practical ways so that we may ground who we are as Divine Beings into our human experience!


It’s about experiencing yourself, at the level of your everyday life, as the spiritual Being that you are, and harnessing the power of your intuitive and manifesting abilities as you create the life you want, based on your Divine Gifts and who you are, at Soul-level.


Learn more:


“OMG you are amazing... I have no idea how you did this. My life is so much easier and next year will be great!!!”

- Jess


  • Why did you choose "Akashic Resonance" as your business name?
    The word "Akashic" refers directly to the Akashic Records, the energetic database of all Soul knowledge, whereas "Resonance" refers to the idea that everything in the universe is connected and that energy and vibration play a significant role in our lives. By combining these two concepts, Akashic Resonance embodies a service that helps people connect with their spiritual selves and achieve a greater sense of harmony and balance in their lives.
  • I'm sceptical of the results and effectiveness of the session.
    I get it, it can be hard to trust something you've never experienced before, especially something as ethereal as the akashic records. But, Soul Realignment has helped countless people just like you find happiness, fulfilment, and success. With a reputable practitioner and a commitment to the process, you'll see tangible results in your life.
  • I don't understand the process or what to expect from a Soul Realignment session
    Amber Mac provides a personalised, supportive and empowering experience that will leave you with a clear understanding of your soul's purpose and a step-by-step plan for aligning with it in your day-to-day life. Overall, the process is quite simple. Step 1. Book a session time that suits you, leaving at least 3-days to allow me to research your Soul's record. Step 2. Complete the booking form. This gives me the details needed to access your Akashic record. Step 3. I will spend 2-3 hours in your Akashic Record, compiling your individual Soul Profile and Soul Stories. Step 4. We meet on Zoom at your booked time and I will share everything I found with you, including any blocks and restrictions and energetic clearing work done on your behalf. This usually takes around 90-minutes. Step 5. I will email you after your session with your individual action plan, 21-days clearing homework and links to our session recording for you to download and replay whenever you like.
  • I'm not sure if I'm ready to make changes in my life.
    Making changes can be scary, but it's also incredibly rewarding. With our Akashic Records/Soul Realignment(R) sessions, you have the support and guidance of a specialist in this modality who will help you make changes in a positive and empowering way. The time is never going to be "perfect" to make a change, but by taking action now, you'll be on your way to a life filled with happiness, fulfilment, and purpose.
  • I don't believe in spirituality or the concept of past lives.
    Here's the thing, the akashic records and Soul Realignment® aren't about religion or spirituality. It's about understanding your unique life's path and aligning with your soul's purpose. Whether you believe in the concept of past lives or not, Soul Realignment® is a powerful tool for personal growth and development.
  • I'm afraid to face the blocks and restrictions/negative karmic patterns that might come up during the session.
    It's understandable to feel apprehensive about facing negative decisions and patterns from your past (or current!) lives, but it's also incredibly empowering! While it is not uncommon for my clients to tear up hearing the journey of their Soul, it's because they are resonating with TRUTH. They know at the core of their being, that what they learn is accurate... even if they don't really want to hear it. I am also dedicated to SUPPORTING and EMPOWERING my clients on their journey from finding who they are at Soul-level, to transforming themselves and their lives.
  • What are the Akashic Records?
    The Akashic Records are an energetic database of every soul's journey, providing insight into past and present experiences and offering guidance for the future. With our expertise in accessing and interpreting this vast resource, we can help you understand your Soul's unique path and purpose, and provide the clarity and direction you need to live a fulfilling life. You can think of the Akashic Records as the etheric internet, filled with the experiences of all Souls. We access the soul stories for you by entering unique search terms, and then asking questions of that individual record... kind of like a spiritual Google search!

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Wollongong, NSW Australia

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